Saturday, March 10, 2012


Tackle the problem of obesity for young children

"All around the world there is one out of every 10 children and overweight is normal, equivalent to 155 million children, including 30-45 million are classified as obese."

International Task Force of obesity in the report, "Obesity in children", published in 2004, obesity is of major health problems at the present time, as experts point out that there is an epidemic of obesity worldwide, and the number of children who suffer from obesity at an alarming rate in developing and developed countries on the extent whether.

Obesity is defined as the increase in the total proportion of total fat in the body compared to other tissues, leading to an increase in body weight.

The body mass index, a method of calculating the percentage of body fat based on height and weight, more a way favorable to measure overweight and obesity, and calculated body mass index for children using the same technique used with adults, any weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters, in addition to use feesgraphs of the age and type ..

The prevalence of obesity
World Health Organization considers that the person is "overweight" if BMI his body more than 25, and obese if the index 30 and above, in a study conducted by the Department of Health to measure obesity in children under 11 years, found that 27.7% of children are preparing overweight, while the 13.3% suffer from obesity, the United States of the most common obesity and weight gain She noted that statistics indicate that 17.1% of children and adolescents between two and 19 years are overweight.

In the meantime, carried out a comparative study to determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity among children in Saudi Arabia below 18 years old, showed results that the percentage increase in weight of boys was 10.68%, while the percentage of obesity to 12.7%, as the study noted that the rates at girls less than boys in half.

The research in the UAE showed that 21.5 of children aged 5-17 years overweight and 13.7 are obese, and in most other countries Studies suggest that there is an increase in obesity and weight of children with varying the ratio between the old and the ..

How to increase the weight of the child?
Overweight and obesity are the result of the imbalance between the amount of food intake and physical activity as shown in Centers for Disease Control U.S., but children and adolescents differ from adults that they need to grow, and growth can be achieved only if the amount of energy intake (food and drink) exceeds energy consumed, that the body stores excess energy in new tissue consists of fat, and works as a back-up power, it can be re-used when the body needs it.

When the consumption of standby power a bit, your child's body gradually accumulate fat that can lead to overweight or obese according to the amount of fat stored, and grow fat cells only in childhood, either after puberty can not grow, but expand or shrink according to absorb fat inside our bodies, hence the obese child is likely to be obese in old age if it did not take caution.

What is the concept of obesity with us?
Obesity is a complex issue related to lifestyle, environment and genetic heritage, if we look at the concept of obesity in the past, we find that Arab and African countries who condemn it as a kind of beauty and a sign of wealth, happiness, especially for women.

In western Sudan linked to marital happiness Basmna women, also equipped with some tribes in Africa bride Ptsminha until you are ready to take birth, says Professor Jeffrey Sopal dietitian at Cornell University that he did not interfere Medicine on the subject of obesity until the beginning of the fifties and then began to change the perception of obesity and nomenclatures.

What are the factors related to obesity?
Linked to obesity and weight gain by many factors such as genetic factors and other causes have in children:

- The limited physical activity through lack of exercise, and spend long hours watching television or a computer, the use of cars more than walking.

- Increase the quantity of food intake.

- Increase consumption of sugar and sweetened drinks instead of water.

- Frequent reliance on fast food or ready-made foods, rather than cook meals at home.

Obesity Is it healthy or harmful?
Research indicates that obesity is a serious problem for children, because it is linked to many health problems, particularly in old age, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and heart problems, and may cause obesity, psychological problems of the child where Ieksh peers Fatalegon him the names of the strict terms, which may fall ill, frustration and low self- esteem, often show psychological problems in girls, see themselves as not attractive compared with others from friends or colleagues.

What can a mother do?
If you are concerned about the increasing weight of your child, talk to the family doctor about this subject so make sure if your child's weight plus the normal, try to avoid excessive diet Children need adequate nutrition for growth, but Make the changes in the long term for the family as a whole, including making sure the diversity of eating to get a balanced diet, and exercise on a daily basis.

Try also you will make your goals more realistic, Ashrki your child when planning to make changes in the style of life, and remember that the journey of a thousand miles starts with a step, when you take that step begins your journey to a life of better health.

10 proposals to help your child to get and maintain a healthy weight
1. Encourage your child to healthy eating, and the development of a balanced diet.

2. Try to set a good example that you're improving your eating habits.

3. Be sure to prepare meals at regular times to avoid your child "Aelkezgazzh" throughout the day.

4. Make meal time family gathering appropriate as possible.

5. Encourage your child to eat when hungry and not eating to eating or when you feel bored, do not let him make a meal stimulus.

6. Avoid storing foods that contain a high content of fat or sugar, such as crisps and French fries and desserts.

7. Encourage your child to drink water more than sweet drinks.

8. Encourage your child to walk more than use the car if possible.

9. Doctors recommend the allocation of time of the day your child to practice some sporting activities, not less than 30 minutes to an hour.

10. Cut down the amount of time your child spends watching television or computer games, experts recommend that time should not exceed more than 14 hours per week.


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