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Saturday, March 10, 2012

10 Ways to Exercise While Watching TV

Have you watched in horror as your backside began to spread to a size that rivaled your couch cushions? Being a couch potato can wreak havoc on your health, but if TV is an addiction for you, you can easily remedy the situation by trying out these 10 ways to exercise while watching TV.
I know, I know — if I were a good weight loss website owner, I’d tell you to turn the TV off and never turn it on again! (And if you watch a lot of TV, you should whittle it down.) But, as someone who was called Miss TV Guide as a pre-teen, I know it’s not that easy. I’m looking forward to a few season premieres these next few weeks myself (House, Survivor, The Office, Big Bang Theory — to name a few).
I don’t watch The Biggest Loser often because it usually conflicts with some show I like whose name escapes me, at the moment. But I know a lot of people do like watching The Biggest Loser — it can be inspirational; just remember they’re being supervised! You need to work the weight off more slowly… (If you’re a Biggest Loser fan, I’ve got a weight loss percentage calculator that calculates the percentage lost as they do on the show.)
So, bearing in mind that I’m covering my butt by telling you to turn the TV off, if you’re not going to listen, at least don’t just sit there…

1.) Fidget while you watch your shows. Science has proven that people who fidget even while sitting down can burn up to 350 more calories per day. If your body’s in motion, it’s burning calories.
2.) Move your exercise equipment in front of the TV. If you have a treadmill stuck in the corner doubling as a clothing hanger, now is the time to dust it off and move it right in front of the TV. You can’t see around it, so you’ll be forced to get on and walk while your favorite shows are on.
3.) Set up a circuit training route in front of your TV. If your living room is large enough, you can set up “stations” that you go to in order to perform cardio routines while your shows are on. You can jump rope, walk in place, or use equipment like dumbbells, exercise balls or steps to get your heart rate up.
4.) See how many pushups you can do during a show or commercial. If you’re just starting out, then you might start with commercial pushups, but once you become more adept at exercising, see how many you can do during a half hour or hour long show! (Always within reason, of course!)
5.) Do lunges while you watch TV. You can do lunges in place or walking lunges around the room while your shows are on.
6.) Walk in place as you catch up on your favorite show. Walking in place requires no special equipment and it won’t put a strain on your body while you do it. Just march your legs up and down and rest during commercials.
7.) See how many squats you can do. Squats can be done in place or up against a wall in a sitting position. See how long you can hold it. Can you reach a certain number of squats before the next commercial?
8.) Become a commercial crunch Queen (or King)! Crunches take less effort than a full sit up, but they help tone your abs a lot better. See how many crunches you can do during commercials or if you’re brave – during the length of the show itself!
9.) Watch exercise shows on TV and move along with them. You don’t have to invest in a lot of pricey exercise videos if your budget is strapped. There are tons of free cable channels that have daily exercise shows on them for all levels – beginner through advanced.
10.) Switch up your exercise routines with your TV watching habits. You don’t watch the same TV show over and over every hour, do you? No – you switch it up between the news, a reality TV show, and maybe a sitcom or police drama. So do the same with your exercise routines, too. Switch it up so that you don’t get bored and are more likely to stick to it for the long haul.
Exercising while watching TV is something we all ought to do, if we’re going to turn on the tube – even if we’re perfectly thin and happy with our appearance. Being a couch potato is detrimental to our heart health, not just to our physical appearance.

10 Ways You CAN Exercise At Home without Any Equipment

of that fancy equipment used in the gyms? Well, as nice as it sounds, it just isn’t an option for most people. And since exercise is so important, you need to find exercises that are effective and don’t require any equipment at all.
To make these exercises even more fun, you can blast music while you’re doing them. Some you can even do while watching TV.
Now you have no more excuses! Here are 10 great exercises that you can do at home, without the need for any equipment:
  1. Walking – If the weather is nice, it’s wonderful to get outside and enjoy the scenery around you while you exercise. However, if the weather has other ideas, you can just as easily get an effective walking workout at home. If you have a flight of stairs, go up and down them a few times. (You could even grab a load of laundry as you’re going that way anyway!) This will help to tone up your legs, while getting some low impact aerobic exercise as well. If you don’t have any stairs available, just walk around the house a few times – it may not be very exciting, but it will do the job!
  2. Jumping Jacks – These are always fun, as they bring back memories of being a kid! Who hasn’t done jumping jacks for fun as a child? Well, surprise – they are also great cardio exercises, and good for warming up, too.
  3. Pushups – These are probably not the most favorite exercise of many people, but while they can be hard to do, you can find easier ways to do them. You don’t need to pretend you’re “Rocky”, and do them with one hand; just do what works for you. Do them on your knees, instead of keeping your legs straight. Or, do them standing up against a wall. You will be building up arm strength and working out muscles in your chest area.
  4. Leg Lifts – These are great for building up strength and muscles in your legs. If you find it hard to do the exercises with your legs straight, try bending them slightly.
  5. Crunches – The best exercise for building up and strengthening abdominal muscles. When you’re just getting started, don’t worry about getting your head all the way up. So long as you’re going up until you feel the stretching of the muscles, you will see some benefit.
  6. Jogging In Place – Jogging is a great exercise for your heart. You can jog in place at home while watching TV or listening to music. The only equipment you will require is a good pair of shoes, to eliminate any stress to your legs.
  7. Squats – These are wonderful exercises for your legs and buttocks. You can even just try these by sitting and standing up again from a regular chair, if you’re finding them to be too difficult. As long as you’re able to do a few repetitions, you will be providing some benefit to your body.
  8. Light Weight Lifting – No, you don’t need to go out and buy expensive weights for this! Just use whatever you can find in your house. Start out with something lighter, such as a can of peas, and work yourself up to heavier items. You can use milk jugs, laundry detergent bottles or even water jugs.
  9. Dancing – Dancing is a wonderful exercise, which is great for your heart. Not only that, but it can lift your spirits as well, and give your overall feeling a boost.
  10. Step Exercises – Using the steps in your home, you can do repetitions which will tone your leg muscles. (Just remember to be careful!)
Getting some exercise is important, but you don’t need to go out and join a gym, paying a large amount in membership fees each month. You don’t even need the expensive equipment in order to give your body an effective workout. Use what you have in your house, and work out in the comfort of your home. You will be more likely to keep up with the exercises when you’re comfortable, so just get up and start exercising!

Top 10 Foods To Help You Lose Weight

If you are one of those people who are really eager to lose weight, yet, you are having a hard time to stop your self from eating, then, you should try these Top 10 Foods to help you lose weight.
Many people are searching for various programs just to lose weight. But many of the programs available are not satisfying for them since these programs deprive them from eating most foods that they really love to it. And so, they would end up quitting with these forms of weight loss programs. But, do you know that there are foods that can really help you lose weight even if you eat them without measuring the amount? Yes, there arefoods for losing weight. And here are some of them:
4. Air Popped Popcorn
4. Air Popped Popcorn
1. Salads
Salads are just some of the foods that can really help you lose weight, especially those that are made up of vegetables and fruits that are truly rich in fiber. Some of these natural foods are carrots, tomato, cabbage, etc.
2. Grapes
Grapes are also effective in helping you lose weight. This kind of food contains few calories and is very rich in fiber that it can really help you increase your metabolism rate.
3. Chocolate
You won’t believe it, but chocolate is included in the list of foods that can help you lose weight. But of course, only limited amount is allowed. This is great alternative for cakes and ice cream if you really have this, what they call as “sweet-tooth” cravings.
4. Air popped popcorn
Another excellent food for weight loss is the air popped popcorn. This food does not require oil, butter, or salt so you can lessen your calorie intake.
5. Curds
Curds that are made from skimmed cow’s milk contain very few amounts of calories. It is rich in calcium and protein that can still give your body enough nutrients even if you are on a diet.
6. Oranges
Oranges are also great for weight loss. This kind of fruit is really nutritious and is rich in vitamin C and fiber that can boost your body metabolism.
7. Potatoes
This may be incredible, but potatoes can really help you lose weight, especially sweet potatoes. However, it would matter on the way you cooked them. Baked and boiled potatoes are the most effective way to cook potatoes if you want them to be helpful in your weight loss goals.
8. Cereals
Cereals are great sources of fibers. And as well as know, fibers are really helpful to keep our digestive tracts clean and make our body’s metabolism rate fast.
9. Sprouted Pulses
Sprouted Pulses are included in the list of foods that can help you lose weight. This kind of food is rich in vitamins and fiber, but contains only 140 calories per 50 gram serving.
10. Water
This is said to be the best among the rest when it comes to weight loss effects. It is very important to drink more water since it cleanses your body and helps your digestion on its proper balance.
These foods should always be included on your diet when you really want to lose weight naturally.

Videos For diet


Tackle the problem of obesity for young children

"All around the world there is one out of every 10 children and overweight is normal, equivalent to 155 million children, including 30-45 million are classified as obese."

International Task Force of obesity in the report, "Obesity in children", published in 2004, obesity is of major health problems at the present time, as experts point out that there is an epidemic of obesity worldwide, and the number of children who suffer from obesity at an alarming rate in developing and developed countries on the extent whether.

Obesity is defined as the increase in the total proportion of total fat in the body compared to other tissues, leading to an increase in body weight.

The body mass index, a method of calculating the percentage of body fat based on height and weight, more a way favorable to measure overweight and obesity, and calculated body mass index for children using the same technique used with adults, any weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters, in addition to use feesgraphs of the age and type ..

The prevalence of obesity
World Health Organization considers that the person is "overweight" if BMI his body more than 25, and obese if the index 30 and above, in a study conducted by the Department of Health to measure obesity in children under 11 years, found that 27.7% of children are preparing overweight, while the 13.3% suffer from obesity, the United States of the most common obesity and weight gain She noted that statistics indicate that 17.1% of children and adolescents between two and 19 years are overweight.

In the meantime, carried out a comparative study to determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity among children in Saudi Arabia below 18 years old, showed results that the percentage increase in weight of boys was 10.68%, while the percentage of obesity to 12.7%, as the study noted that the rates at girls less than boys in half.

The research in the UAE showed that 21.5 of children aged 5-17 years overweight and 13.7 are obese, and in most other countries Studies suggest that there is an increase in obesity and weight of children with varying the ratio between the old and the ..

How to increase the weight of the child?
Overweight and obesity are the result of the imbalance between the amount of food intake and physical activity as shown in Centers for Disease Control U.S., but children and adolescents differ from adults that they need to grow, and growth can be achieved only if the amount of energy intake (food and drink) exceeds energy consumed, that the body stores excess energy in new tissue consists of fat, and works as a back-up power, it can be re-used when the body needs it.

When the consumption of standby power a bit, your child's body gradually accumulate fat that can lead to overweight or obese according to the amount of fat stored, and grow fat cells only in childhood, either after puberty can not grow, but expand or shrink according to absorb fat inside our bodies, hence the obese child is likely to be obese in old age if it did not take caution.

What is the concept of obesity with us?
Obesity is a complex issue related to lifestyle, environment and genetic heritage, if we look at the concept of obesity in the past, we find that Arab and African countries who condemn it as a kind of beauty and a sign of wealth, happiness, especially for women.

In western Sudan linked to marital happiness Basmna women, also equipped with some tribes in Africa bride Ptsminha until you are ready to take birth, says Professor Jeffrey Sopal dietitian at Cornell University that he did not interfere Medicine on the subject of obesity until the beginning of the fifties and then began to change the perception of obesity and nomenclatures.

What are the factors related to obesity?
Linked to obesity and weight gain by many factors such as genetic factors and other causes have in children:

- The limited physical activity through lack of exercise, and spend long hours watching television or a computer, the use of cars more than walking.

- Increase the quantity of food intake.

- Increase consumption of sugar and sweetened drinks instead of water.

- Frequent reliance on fast food or ready-made foods, rather than cook meals at home.

Obesity Is it healthy or harmful?
Research indicates that obesity is a serious problem for children, because it is linked to many health problems, particularly in old age, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and heart problems, and may cause obesity, psychological problems of the child where Ieksh peers Fatalegon him the names of the strict terms, which may fall ill, frustration and low self- esteem, often show psychological problems in girls, see themselves as not attractive compared with others from friends or colleagues.

What can a mother do?
If you are concerned about the increasing weight of your child, talk to the family doctor about this subject so make sure if your child's weight plus the normal, try to avoid excessive diet Children need adequate nutrition for growth, but Make the changes in the long term for the family as a whole, including making sure the diversity of eating to get a balanced diet, and exercise on a daily basis.

Try also you will make your goals more realistic, Ashrki your child when planning to make changes in the style of life, and remember that the journey of a thousand miles starts with a step, when you take that step begins your journey to a life of better health.

10 proposals to help your child to get and maintain a healthy weight
1. Encourage your child to healthy eating, and the development of a balanced diet.

2. Try to set a good example that you're improving your eating habits.

3. Be sure to prepare meals at regular times to avoid your child "Aelkezgazzh" throughout the day.

4. Make meal time family gathering appropriate as possible.

5. Encourage your child to eat when hungry and not eating to eating or when you feel bored, do not let him make a meal stimulus.

6. Avoid storing foods that contain a high content of fat or sugar, such as crisps and French fries and desserts.

7. Encourage your child to drink water more than sweet drinks.

8. Encourage your child to walk more than use the car if possible.

9. Doctors recommend the allocation of time of the day your child to practice some sporting activities, not less than 30 minutes to an hour.

10. Cut down the amount of time your child spends watching television or computer games, experts recommend that time should not exceed more than 14 hours per week.

Monday, March 5, 2012

What is Mesotherapy

   Mesotherapy injection gun

Mesotherapy (Mesotherapy) is a technique of ancient medical were discovered in 1952 by a French doctor named Michael Bstor, an injection of a small and very precise non painful to some extent, given under the skin's surface and contain the materials and structures different may be the plant extract Omkmlat food or vitamins or amino acids or enzymes or nutrients or minerals or medications.The idea and use it on the theory that this combination of substances or drugs lead to melt the fat content under the skin and shrink fat cells.
It should be noted that this technique is widely used in Europe and South America, but they are limited to use in the United States and that because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of America did not agree to any type of real estate and materials used in mesotherapy. I am afraid of this point because the sisters organized this important international organization
And is one of the latest trends in the world of beauty and skin and body in order to get the results desired therapeutic Ktkhvev weight in certain places, and renewal of skin cells to restore freshness and youth, and treatment of cellulite and improve the external appearance of the body.
This has been used this way of beginning to treat some special cases such as cardiovascular disease and sports injuries and infectious diseases and rheumatic diseases, and improve blood circulation, and soon began to doctors then in the use of Mesotherapy in the aspects of cosmetic different, and with the increased activity of companies producing materials used in mesotherapy and repeated her claims effectively this technique, expanded list of uses and varied reasons for the use of Mesotherapy include the following:
Reduce body fat in general or in specific places of it, and cellulite treatment, and treatment of hair loss and baldness, and treatment of scars, and improve the appearance and quality of the skin and reduce wrinkles and restore the freshness of the face.
Despite the use of Mesotherapy to count the years in Europe, it has not yet been evaluated scientifically based and neutral, The Guide of scientific support of this technique is almost non-existent or at best very small, there is no Drast scientific short-or long-term impact on its effectiveness and its implications , it seems that there is not there any standards that define the specific use of injection materials and quantities and the number of sessions and periods of repeated injections, as there is no protocol or a specific treatment program uses Almakhltfah prediction outcome of treatment and the expected degree of improvement and its timing.
And deliver a Mesotherapy is increasingly popular around the world and especially Europe, where used in the treatment of a variety of injuries sidelined to chronic pain, while in the United States and Canada despite the increasing use recently it is used mainly to reduce the fat in what is the name of melt fat (Lipodissolve ), and believes that it is through the oxidation of fat and speed up the metabolism inside the cells to increase the chemical reactions that came down to the changes needed virtual in the skin, and here we must remember that the American Society for Aesthetic Surgery has confirmed that mesotherapy safe alternative to the process known as siphoning off the fat (Liposuction), which is the only way proven to get rid of fat.

• How to use Mesotherapy:
Possible to perform Mesotherapy in two ways, and this of course depends on the physician and the extent and level of expertise enables it to any of these methods:
The first is by manually injecting very fine needles, and is usually performed multiple injections in a specific place at a depth of up to the middle class of the skin.This method is characterized by giving full control of the processor to deliver the injected material, nor does it require a high financial cost for the purchase of various injection devices.
The second-assisted injection devices for, a special equipment like the gun is installed tiny needle to, and possible to calibrate these devices to give the injection in the skin, either individually Ktalegh one or more shots repeatedly and at high speeds, and is characterized by this technique tangible benefits in making treatment is less painful for the patient, and more ease and speed of the processor to the doctor, with the addition of elemental precision and consistency in the delivery of successive injections.
• What materials are used in Mesotherapy?
With respect to the materials used in the injection, they include a wide variety of materials and medicines in the form of cosmetics liquid can be injected in the layers of the skin by needles minute, and can be said of some chemical groups that belong to these materials, such as vasodilators of blood vessels, anti-inflammatory steroidal relievers muscle tension, enzymes case of protein, biological materials (include vitamins, minerals and extract plants), and vaccines, hormones, materials anesthetic, anti-hormones, and can be added Alphusfatydjelkolin, a worker is an antioxidant derived from the material Allstan (a fatty substance in the plant tissue) and substance and which Aloazobrocerinol Tstkhaddman particularly in the treatment of cellulite and reduce body fat.
And The choice of these alternative materials on the quality and the goal of treatment, whether it's for the treatment of certain medical conditions or to beautify the skin, and then the burden of determining the quality of materials used on the doctor, and here lies the importance and quality of training received and work experience and personal, is also dependentalso on the geographical location of the place of treatment For example, in South America and North Therapists tend to use drugs with the most powerful and effective in larger quantities than usual compared with their colleagues in Europe who are a lot of the reservation to such a method of treatment.
• use of Mesotherapy?
Possible for adults who are over the age of 18 years shall not exceed 75 years, and have good general health to undergo treatment by mesotherapy.
• When should refrain from the use of Mesotherapy?
You should avoid cosmetic procedures Balmizotiraba in the following cases:1. Pregnant women and nursing mother.2. People with diabetes associated with insulin.3. Persons who have a personal history of cancer.4. Persons who have a history of stroke patients with injury or disease related to blood with blood.5. Persons who are receiving medications for blood gas.6. People who eat a range of heart medications.7. Persons who have a history of heart disease patients.8. People who suffer from stroke.
• Precautions and complications of treatment Balmizotiraba:
There are many side effects associated with or arising from the treatment should be noted that Balmiztiraba them and warning of the likelihood of occurrence:
- Sense of pain: and this is completely unexpected despite the use of needles are small and accurate with the increase in speed and rate of injection in an attempt to ease this pain, as the sense of pain in people depends on several factors, including the limits of pain character and the degree of sensitivity of the treated area and Specifications needles and materials used.- Swelling and swelling may occur in several places in the needles enter the skin and around, and may last a day or two at most, and may be accompanied by mild itching.- Bruises: These usually follow the process of injecting a result some of the injured blood vessels in the treated area, and appear in the form of redness or blueness of the skin, and when they are infected with a relatively large vessels may lead to the formation of a blood clot under the skin.- Allergic reactions: and this may be an urgent and immediate or occur at a late stage, and usually produces an allergic reaction to certain substances or drugs used in treatment, and appears as a rash or a partial year.- Infection and microbial infections: of this and more complications to treatment, has been attributed often to poor sterilization procedures used.- Atrophy may follow the healing of ulcers at the injection sites.- Damage to the liver: and this possibility is rare, except in exceptional cases where the use of materials is very harmful.
Conclusion is still controversy exists about mesotherapy and use both therapeutic and cosmetic despite scientific interest and the media in the medical community and the general public, no doubt there are more studies and scientific experiments are required to remove uncertainty about different aspects of Mesotherapy most important proof of its effectiveness and efficiency and determine the potential association with any health risks and therefore are not subject to doubt.
D. Saud Al-Ajmi veilHead of Dermatology and Venereal Diseases Hospital, Amiri - KuwaitJournal of Clinic

the first way to satisfy the stomach without food

D. Hashemi, founder of Luqaimat announce the first way to satisfy the stomach without food
By: Dr. Mohammad Hashemi

Dr. Mohammed Al HashimiSpoil the most important diet obesity patient is feeling hungry and deprived, and then accept the food chain a big increase and weighed more than it was, but this was before 2008.
In 2008, after several scientific studies, I discovered the point of satiety of the stomach and called it ELHASHEMY STOMACH SATIETY SPOT. This discovery did not come out of thin air before it was discovered years earlier a team of scientists at New York University professor, headed "Wang" to stretch the stomach muscles when at the end of the meal, they are active vagal root that connects the stomach and the satiety center in the brain. This activation causes the satiety signals from the stomach to the brain leads to a feeling of satiety and fullness depends on human eating only what to eat.
Discover another team of scientists that the roots of the vagal concentrated in the area at the top of the stomach, but did not discover the function of these roots, and what was known physiology that solid foods achieve greater satiety compared to foods liquid, reported the results of studies that you have made that area the top of the stomach and called in Medicine GASTRIC FUNDUS, must be the satiety center in the stomach, and based upon the June 27 announced in 2008 the discovery of satiation point the stomach, and I called the satiation point Hashemi stomach.
Then touched on in my studies the scientific search for the best means of making satiety fast without eating large amounts of food, showed results that eating a few kernels of nuts and the best almonds (3 beads) or peanuts (5 grains) leads to the creation of satiety simple stomach condition of eating liquids or other food for half an hour later, at least, fired by the "almond bites." And repeating the deal with these Luqaimat of almonds or peanuts every half hour or every hour for a period of 3-5 hours showed the results of studies that this satiation becomes stronger, and that man will then be able to control his meal cheerful (by diet Luqaimat) and will not feel the need to devour the food in front of him.

After the success of the application of satiety or "bites almonds," followed by many physicians nutrition and treatment of obesity, believing that taking the patient for three kernels of almonds several times before the main meal fall ill, satiety to contain almonds fat omega-3 and this believing sinner, because the 3 pills Luz by the amount of omega- 3 less than 1% than in the omega-3 capsule, this capsule is given to a cholesterol patient before meals will satisfy the stomach, if the reason for the feeling of satiety is not omega-3 fats, but the physical effect of almond kernels as they crucified Vtenct Hashemi point to satiety of the stomach.
This way, "the almond bites" means that we can satisfy the stomach by 50%, at least before the main meal without eating food, which helps to reduce the amount of main meal and thus decreasing calories entering the human body, and thus help to decrease weight constantly.
Hundreds of obese people who followed this method since 2005 to the present day decreased their weight by at least 33 kilo in the first 33 weeks, but some of whom arrived from the spectacle of obesity to reduce the 60 kilometers of their weight in the first year (52 weeks), which proves that success did not arrive to any global diet or medication to cause satiety.
About the Author* Ed. Professor Mohammed Al Hashimi treatment of obesity at the University of Cairo* Founder of Luqaimat and author of "The Science Luqaimat"* Classified as articles written in English with the most read on the GOOGLE search engine in 2008 and 2009.